Today I'm off to Las Vegas and Park City for a wedding! I'm so excited! Since I won't be having my computer with me for a while, I thought I'll share some fun stuff to look at while I'm gone for the rest of the week! Enjoy! (I'll be posting pics when I get back!)
1. Which would you pick? a {boozy campari citrus pops} or a {pop bar}?
2. Feel like hiking? then this is the {place} for you.
3. Too lazy to do your hair? well take a walk and this {dry bar} will do everything for you! no problem!
4. Found this from {here} and this {video} made me feel very patriotic and appreciative. I also like the song too! (make sure you watch the whole video its really good)
5. If you were to shop online from {linea pelle} what would you get? I think I'll get the double wrap triple row mixed gold studs cuff! love it!
6. Don't want to waste those menus for your wedding dinner, check out {delysia} maybe that will help you out. who does not like chocolate?
7. Thinking of Italy? Something romantic? found this from {here} and it says to be the